The following is an OPINION of my own and you may agree or disagree with me as you wish by posting any comments on the guest book or by clicking on the comment link below this article.
First off I would like to say Thank You to Denise and Randy Smith - owners of S&S Speedways Indoor Go Karts and Authorized Slingshot Dealer of Snydersville PA for giving me the opportunity to race one of their cars.
My opinion:
First let me start by saying over half of the field in this years race drove way over their heads. I was disappointed in alot of the more "experienced" drivers. Grant it from what I hear the slingshots again put on the best show of the 3 divisions but it could have been alot better.
A few of the more experienced drivers that feel they may have had something to prove really should have made better decisions. When your in qualifying position does it make sense to drive like rookies and take yourselves and/or your friends out of a transfer spot?
I agree only taking 5 of the average 14 cars in the heat wasn't exactly a smart move, but we all know this race is mostly revolved around the draw. Alot of friendships have been compromised for actions that - weren't warranted when cars are already in the transfer positions and all that was needed, was to finish the heat and or consi for a starting spot in the big dance.
A few things I don't understand. Alot of the so called experienced drivers seem to forget that the rough riding in 1 race usually gets you in trouble later in the year when it counts.
Being this is my website and I can say what I want, I do. Most readers love to read my opinions whether to make joke of it or agree.
Rich Tobias from what I was told beat and banged his way to victory with a car that seemed a bit quicker than everyone else. I cant agree or disagree because I didn't see it. The one thing I do agree is this. The rule books state there are no modifications allowed to carb. spacers, (Grinding polishing etc), I didn't see this with my own eyes, but a few people have and questioned this. The other thing that was definitely ILLEGAL was going to your pits without going directly over the scales. I know Rich is a good 200 lbs and with the cars being the weight they are or should be this may not be an issue. The complaint from ALL of the drivers was he did not weigh with the rest. Most of the quotes I heard were " how do we know he didn't do anything to the car after the race"? The problem is we don't. This was the officials fault guiding the cars to the pits. This was also the Winners fault (being he made the rule). The bottom line is its done, he collected the win and the money and there is nothing that can be done about it. The big problem is the division is definitely going to take a big blow over this, unfortunately the founder is the one who may have cost himself the problem.
All in all as usual it was fun racing in Atlantic City. It was great having fun with friends after the races where over. Just keep this in mind, it was only 1 race, and if you did something to compromise the outcome of someone elses result it may sometime comeback to you in the end.
I was surprisingly not as upset as I thought I would be being taken out running 2nd. I chalked it up as well thats AC. The culprit and I actually joked about it all night while having fun with friends after the races where over.
Comments made after the races were over, seemed to be warranted in the opinions of 1 non driver. I admit I did jump a start because of the frustration of the constant cautions and 8 double file restarts. But I in NO WAY was responsible for cars behind me for getting wrecked because I jumped the start. I am not going to mention any names but being I KNOW they frequently visit this site, they know who I am talking about. Sir think about it, its time you stop blaming everything on everyone else for the actions or outcome of your cars. I say sir sarcastically too I might add. Many competitors agree with me on this so maybe in the upcoming season you should choose to button that lip for once and chalk it up as well You got beat. ( No phone calls please )!!
Congrats to the teams that had fun (which I did). Congrats to RT (I Guess). Lets move on to another great 08 season. I will enjoy watching the races from the sidelines and participating in limited shows.
I am sure there are alot of people who may have something to say so feel free to comment by clicking the comment board below or just leaving your comments on the guest book link.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
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I was at Ac for the first time as a spectator, while having slingshots, we did not compete there, The slingshots, put on the best show there, If you want to criticize experienced drivers, I would look at the midgets/micros who had some of the best drivers around, pauch, Ciconne etc. they were as prone to bumping and causing accidents as anyone. The slingshots acctually were the cleanest and best bunch out there. I lot has to do with with a flat narrow track, and if you want to move up, a lot is done on restarts. is someone is in front and can stay inside, they can hold off any faster car, if you really are the fastest car, it will be hard for somone to bump your rear if you are in the open. Rich was very agreesive in the heat and qualifier,but was less so in feature, even though he moved up through a lot of cars. He didnt drive his car into the pits, but stayed in the infield, I took notice, someone else drove the car from the victory lane. He should have did what needed to be done, by the rules, as a spectator, he did put on a great show, it may not have been as much fun if my cars were out there. he was visably excited about running a slingshot in competition for the first time. i believe he ran that thing as fast as it could go. He could not be blamed for all the wrecks out there, He will probably not run in competition in slingshots again, Either you loved it or hated it, but it did seem to impress everyone.
As a person who was in the pits, I would like to clarify some things that Marc commented on. Rich did NOT take his car to his pit. The car was held up at the entrance into the pits by a track official. Since he was the last car off the track and there was a line to the scales, Rich went to the trailer to change out of his suit. When the track official told the crew to push the car to the scales, the 3rd place car was just getting off. Rich was there to stand on the scale with the car. I do agree with the other commentor that the heats and qualifier were more agressive than the feature. I do agree with Marc that quite a few drivers did drive way over their heads. They should learn how to drive on a small, indoor track. Bump and go is the name of the game. NOT, plow your way through like a plow truck pushing snow. Penndot is looking for plow drivers, they could have recruited some drivers at AC.
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