Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hamlin 2008 - New Motto "5-Wide on the OUTSIDE!"

Last weekend 3/29 & 3/30 - the track preparation officially began!

With extreme improvements in mind for 2008 - the team officially moved, adjusted, and added 6 loads of new clay with an official 450-500 tons of clay/grounds/racetrack being moved! And on top of that - we have an additional 4 more loads of clay ready to go!

Randy's motto for Hamlin 2008 has been changed to: "5-Wide on the OUTSIDE!" and don't forget "You Ain't Seen Nothin YET!" Hamlin 2008 will be the BEST track conditions for the BEST racing in Northeast PA! And this is no APRIL FOOLS joke!

Are you ready?

Denise L Smith

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